hungarian center
for early music

Ronald Brautigam fortepiano recital

27 October, 2024 - 7:00 PM
Liszt Academy, Solti Hall
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4th Haydneum Autumn Festival – Anna Besson & Jean Rondeau

7 November, 2024 - 7:30 PM
Károlyi-Csekonics Palace, Ballroom
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Kalló Zsolt

4th Haydneum Autumn Festival – The Haydn Brothers

8 November, 2024 - 7:00 PM
Liszt Academy, Solti Hall
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The season starts!

Series of keyboard, chamber and oratorio concerts in the Haydneum 2024/2025 season

Haydneum – Hungarian Centre for Early Music Foundation is delighted to announce the launch of the series for the 2024/2025 season, which offers totally unique concert experiences for enthusiasts of early music. Three series of this season: Liszt Academy Series, Fortepiano Series and the performance series by Ádám Bősze titled With Haydn in Vienna bring the finest performers of the genre closer to the audience. These outstanding musical programmes starting on 7 October are hosted in the Grand Hall and Sir Georg Solti Chamber Hall of the Liszt Academy, as well as the Lóvasút Cultural and Event Centre. Ticket and season ticket sales have already started. We look forward to welcoming everybody interested in discovering the musical treasures of the past as interpreted by the greatest artists and experts of today!

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The 2nd Haydneum Eszterháza Festival is here!

30 August - 7 September 2024, Esterházy Palace, Fertőd-Eszterháza

The festival audience can look forward to a concertante opera performance and musical stroll, as well as a fortepiano recital and a series of string quartets in the magnificent princely seat where over many years Haydn served the aristocratic family.

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Haydneum Concerts in Eszterháza

This summer again we invite you to Eszterháza, where we will organise high quality early music concerts with period instruments for six weekends between 19 July and 25 August.

The partner of the series is the Eszterháza Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., and the venue of the concerts is the wonderful Apollo Hall of the Esterházy Palace in Fertőd.
The traditional summer programme will once again feature a host of outstanding performers from home and abroad, performing every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening for six weekends.

The programme is extremely colourful and rich – we welcome you to Eszterháza for a summer break and a cultural experience in one of the most authentic places of Early music in Hungary.

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Haydneum – Hungarian Centre for Early Music Foundation held a season-announcement press briefing on 17 April 2024, during which György Vashegyi, artistic director of Haydneum resident ensembles, said: “Here in Hungary, we have an early music season the richness of which I have never seen in my life.” Haydneum festivals (2nd Haydneum Eszterháza Festival, 4th Haydneum Autumn Festival, 4th Haydneum Festival of Sacred Music) are bringing international star performers into Hungarian concert halls while the institution’s season ticket series are also continuing: Liszt Academy Series, Fortepiano Series, and the Ádám Bősze recitals all guarantee quality entertainment. Concerts see the appearance of the cream of domestic early music life including Ágnes Kovács, Katalin Szutrély, Zoltán Megyesi, Mihály Berecz, Barnabás Kelemen, Petra Somlai, Capella Savaria, Purcell Choir and Orfeo Orchestra conducted by György Vashegyi, furthermore, famous foreign artists such as tenor Cyrille Dubois, fortepianist Ronald Brautigam, violinist and conductor Shunske Sato, lutenist Thomas Dunford, Capricornus Consort Basel and Gli Angeli Genève.

The diversity of early music is enhanced by collaborations this season: Szabolcs Szamosi, managing director of Filharmónia Hungary Nonprofit Kft., and András Batta, managing director of House of Music Hungary, spoke about this aspect. Thanks to close cooperation with Filharmónia, large-scale early music performances are being held in numerous towns and cities across the country: residents of Békéscsaba, Budapest, Debrecen, Eger, Kaposvár, Keszthely, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Pécs, Sopron, Szeged, and Veszprém can meet the resident ensembles of Haydneum in the Filharmónia Season Ticket Series performances nationwide.
Joint projects with the House of Music Hungary that started in 2023 continue in 2024 – one of Budapest’s latest and most diverse music hubs is hosting two programmes of the 4th Haydneum Autumn Festival.

In addition, a series of high-standard, period instrument concerts arranged in partnership with Eszterháza Public Utility Nonprofit Kft. can be enjoyed in the Apollo Hall of Esterházy Palace, Fertőd, and in the course of the season Haydneum is working together with partners such as the Institute for Musicology in the area of publishing scores, and Buda Castle Palace District, Karmelita concerts series, Capella Savaria, Danubia Orchestra, Concerto Budapest and Szent István Philharmonic with regard to programmes.

Collaboration between Haydneum and the National Széchényi Library is indispensable because since 2022, with the assistance of the public collection digitalization centre of the library owning the largest and most modern equipment in Central Europe, and with the participation of the Foundation’s staff, it has been processing the music and musicological artefacts created between 1600 and 1850, found in Hungary and representing a significant cultural value, with particular regard to the material of the Eszterházy collection. Dávid Rózsa, director of the National Széchényi Library, emphasized: “So far, the joint endeavour has resulted in nearly 53,000 digitalized pages in approximately 1000 volumes, which was simply inconceivable earlier.”

Furthermore, 178 modern scores were produced from the processed works.

Haydneum staff members are not only researching the collections of the National Széchényi Library but other collections in the country, including the 18th century manuscript collection of Our Lady of Help Church of Devotion, Bodajk comprising more than 15,000 pages, which have been photographed by staff of Haydneum.






The 3rd Haydneum Festival of Sacred Music is here!

7-15 June 2024, Budapest, University Church

Tickets for the 3rd Haydneum Festival of Sacred Music are on sale – you can buy tickets for our concerts without any handling fee under the TICKETS menu.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to 5 summer concerts in the heart of Budapest – with the Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra, the Budapest Sound Collective, the Gemma Vocal Ensemble, the Oriolus Chamber Choir, the Purcell Choir and the Orfeo Orchestra.


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György Vashegyi received the Kossuth Prize!

Our heartfelt congratulations!

We are extremely proud to announce that György Vashegyi, the artistic director of the resident ensembles of the Haydneum – Hungarian Early Music Centre and the founder of our institution, has today been awarded the Kossuth Prize, the highest state honour for the cultivation and preservation of Hungarian culture. Our heartfelt congratulations!

Vashegyi György

3rd Haydneum Autumn Festival

10-12 November 2023

Three different facets of Joseph Haydn, the great First Viennese School composer, are revealed at three concerts during the 3rd Haydneum Autumn Festival between 10-12 November. The piety of the religious composer of many liturgical works is evident in the opening concert performance of Missa Cellensis connected with the cult of the Virgin Mary at Mariazell. The second recital directs our attention to the stage creator with uproarious humour via a performance of his two-act operatic burletta L’infedeltà delusa (Deceit Outwitted). Finally, the third programme serves up high-class entertainment in the refined and intimate genre of chamber music thanks to quartets by Haydn and Mozart. The several vocalists of international renown, the distinguished Purcell Choir and Orfeo Orchestra, the world-famous Helsinki Baroque Orchestra, two superb conductors, Aapo Häkkinen and György Vashegyi, as well as the ensemble of the legendary Simon Standage, Salomon String Quartet, promise inspired and authentic productions.

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The season kicks off at Müpa Budapest with the first performance of the Haydneum Müpa Series, a major opera production – a concert performance of Rameu’s Les Boréades, and its Hungarian premiere, featuring world stars such as Sabine Devieilhe, Reinoud Van Mechelen, Benedikt Kristjánsson, Philippe Estèphe, Tassis Christoyannis, Thomas Dolié and Gwendoline Blondeel. The Purcell Choir and the Orfeo Orchestra, founded and directed by György Vashegyi more than 30 years ago, will perform, and the concert is being made possible by the collaboration of the Haydneum’s partner, the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles.
Following the Budapest performance, the production will be touring to the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris, the Musiikkitalo in Helsinki and finally the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

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I. Haydneum Eszterháza Festival

250th anniversary of the visit of Maria Theresa

For the first time, the Haydneum – Hungarian Early Music Centre is organising a festival in the Esterházy Castle in Fertőd, Hungary, from 1-6 September 2023.

The Haydneum Esterháza Festival will focus on the 250th anniversary of the visit of Maria Theresa. Among the artists are prominent figures from the Hungarian and international early music scene.
The performers include Bernhard Berchtold, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Adriána Kalafszky, Zoltán Megyesi, Rachel Podger, Ella Smith, Petra Somlai, Szélpál Szilveszter, Katalin Szutrély, Il Gardellino Orchestra, VenEthos Ensemble and the Orfeo Orchestra conducted by György Vashegyi.
In addition to the concerts, there will be other accompanying programmes: a musical walk in the beautiful gardens of the castle by Ádám Bősze entitled Holidays and Weekdays, and a programme by András Berecz entitled Tales of Music, in which the artist will tell stories about the birth and power of music.


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Haydneum Concerts in Eszterháza 2023

summer concerts every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening in the Apollo Hall of the Esterházy Castle

In close cooperation between the Haydneum and the Eszterháza Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., the “Haydneum Concerts in Eszterháza” summer concert series is being held, the aim of which is to give special attention to the musical life in the Esterházy Castle in Fertőd, one of Hungary’s unique tourist and cultural sites, and to turn the castle back into a flourishing cultural centre similar to the 18th century courtyard of Prince Nicholas Esterházy I ‘The Magnificent’. Visitors to Eszterháza can therefore enjoy a high quality, authentic concert programme, performed exclusively on period instruments, and the people who make it possible: József Balog, Piroska Baranyay, Mihály Berecz, Gergely Bodoky, Andrea Bertalan, Márton Egri, Flóra Fábri, Zsolt Kalló, Bálint Maróth, Zoltán Megyesi, Bart van Oort, Rita Papp and László Gerhát, Petra Somlai, Zsombor Tóth-Vajna and the members of the Harmonia Caelestis Baroque Orchestra: Eszter Draskóczy, Noémi Megyery, Csilla Vályi, as well as the Authentic Quartet, Capella Savaria, and the Orfeo Orchestra conducted by György Vashegyi.

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39th Early Music Days, in co-operation with the Haydneum

It is a great pleasure to be back in Vác for the 39th Early Music Days: masterclasses, concerts, world-renowned teachers and performers

The main organizer of the 39th Early Music Days is Filharmónia Hungary Nonprofit Ltd., an important partner since the beginning of our operation. For the third time, we are involved in the realisation of the long-standing Early Music Days, which provides an opportunity for many participants to work together with the most outstanding representatives of Early Music. The course is led by Professors Emőke Baráth and Elisabeth Scholl (voice), Zsolt Kalló (violin), Ildikó Kertész (flute), Réka Nagy and Augustin Szokos (basso continuo), György Vashegyi (chamber music).
In addition to the masterclasses, the audience will also be able to hear great concerts, including performances by our resident ensembles, the Purcell Choir and Orfeo Orchestra, as well as the Savaria Baroque Orchestra, the Capella Du Mont chamber choir and Capella Savaria. The conductor of the opening concert will be the renowned British conductor and Early Music expert Marcus Creed!

Further information:


9-17 June 2023, Budapest

The Haydneum – Hungarian Early Music Centre will organise its second Festival of Sacred Music between 9 and 17 June 2023 at the University Church in Budapest. The main objective of the festival is to bring to the fore the 17th and 18th century repertoire, which is researched and preserved by the institution and harbours undiscovered treasures. The concerts will feature works by Joseph and Michael Haydn, Charpentier, Benedek Istvánffy and Strattner, as well as works by one of the most outstanding composers of the period, Gregor Joseph Werner, from the Esterházy score collection of the National Széchényi Library, unperformed since the 18th century. Among the performers are such distinguished early and modern instrumental ensembles as the Purcell Choir and Orfeo Orchestra, the Hungarian National Choir, the Budapest Strings, the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, the MÁV Symphony Orchestra, the Kodály Choir Debrecen, the Capella Savaria, with conductors such as József Gál, Csaba Somos, András Keller, Zoltán Kocsis-Holper and György Vashegyi.
The closing concert of the festival will feature works by Gregor Joseph Werner that have not been heard for hundreds of years, and admission to this evening is free but registration is required.


In addition to the concerts in Budapest, the festival will also be held in four other venues in the countryside between 8 and 18 June: in Kengyel, Tihany, Mako and Szeged. The cooperation partner of the Szeged concert is Filharmónia Hungary. The rural concerts are free of charge.

SEASON TICKET for the 5 concerts of the festival (admission to the closing concert is free but registration is required)

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Our season offers a varied programme with our resident ensembles, the Purcell Choir and the Orfeo Orchestra, in Müpa Budapest's Béla Bartók National Concert Hall.

The series will be launched with a major international production in September 2023 in collaboration with the Centre de baroque musique de Versailles: Haydneum will present a concert performance of the opera Rameau’s Les Boréades, with a line-up of top soloists, most of whom have already appeared at previous Haydneum concerts: Sabine Devieilhe, Reinoud Van Mechelen, Benedikt Kristjánsson, Philippe Estèphe, Thomas Dolié, Tassis Christoyannis, Gwendoline Blondeel.
The soloist of the October Haydn-Hummel-Beethoven programme will be Mihály Berecz, partner of the Orfeo Orchestra, playing Hummel’s Piano Concerto in A minor, while Katalin Szutrély will perform Haydn’s Scena di Berenice and Beethoven’s concert aria Ah, perfido. Hummel’s Te Deumin D and Mass in D minor will also feature the exceptional Purcell Choir.
In March 2024, our ensembles will perform the first version of Bach’s St John Passion from 1724, to mark the 300th anniversary of the work’s composition. Our soloists will be Ágnes Kovács – soprano, Eszter Balogh – alto, Bernhard Berchtold and Zoltán Megyesi – tenor and Stephan MacLeod – bass.
The series will conclude with Mozart’s Requiem in May 2024.


Season tickets are available until 31 May 2023 with a 20% discount, full-price season tickets and solo tickets are available from 1 June on the website and at the Müpa Budapest box office.

The first 200 season ticket buyers will receive a GIFT TICKET to the concert of the two ensembles at the Liszt Academy in Budapest on 28 January 2024, featuring Bach’s Mass in B minor!

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The five concerts in the series will introduce the audience to keyboard instruments from different eras in the magnificently renovated Solti Hall of the Liszt Academy. Since the end of last year, the Haydneum’s collection has been enriched with several fortepianos, and we would like to present these wonderful instruments to our audiences in this series.

We will be assisted by such outstanding pianists as the Dutch pianist Bart van Oort and our distinguished Hungarian pianists Petra Somlai, Mihály Berecz, János Balázs and József Balog.
József Balog will be joined on stage by singer Emőke Baráth, while Mihály Berecz will be joined by Katalin Szutrély as a vocal partner in next year’s series. Bart van Oort, Petra Somlai and János Balázs will also be performing with great artists, the names of these partners will be announced later, together with the detailed programmes.

Our fortepianos will also be important contributors to the rental evenings: an 1825 Conrad Graf copy, an 1835 original Maximilian Schott fortepiano from Vienna, an 1811 Johann Fritz copy, an 1840 original Erard from Paris, and an original 1872 Johann Baptiste Streicher fortepiano.

Tickets will be on sale from 1 April 2023 at and at the ticket office of the Liszt Academy.

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10,000 digitized pages:

first milestone in the collaboration between the National Széchényi Library and Haydneum – Hungarian Centre for Early Music

The digitization centre of the National Széchényi Library (OSZK) has been functioning for one year. It boasts the largest and most modern equipment of any Central European public collection. Tying in with the inauguration of the centre, the OSZK and Haydneum – Hungarian Centre for Early Music signed an agreement, the fruit of which is these first 10,000 pages, something we can all be proud of.

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Visit of the Empress

Maria Theresa 250

Empress Maria Theresa visited Eszterháza in September 1773, and to mark the 250th anniversary, the Haydneum will commemorate the event with concerts several times throughout the year.

On 26 March, the series of commemorations will be launched at the Hungarian House of Music under the title “The Visit of the Empress”, in collaboration with the Hungarian House of Music, the venue of the concert. Performances by the distinguished soprano Ella Smith and the Orfeo Orchestra will include excerpts from Haydn’s opera L’infedeltà delusa, as well as the No. 26 “Lamentatione” and the No. 48 “Maria Theresa” symphonies – the latter not actually written to commemorate the Empress’s visit: it was completed years earlier, in 1768 or ’69. But tradition has linked its birth to the imperial visit, and so, like so many other Haydn symphonies, the adjective stuck, and that is how it is known today.

During the concert, a conversation between András Batta and György Vashegyi will provide interesting facts about the event and the period.

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Rameau: Castor et Pollux

Concert performance with international stars

340 years ago, Jean-Pilippe RAMEAU, one of the most important composers of the French Baroque, was born!

His opera Castor et Pollux will be performed at Müpa Early Music Festival, in collaboration with the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles and the Haydneum on 2 March!
Rehearsals have started and the opera will also be recorded!
With: Judith Van Wanroij, Véronique Gens, Reinoud Van Mechelen, Tassis Christoyannis, Olivia Doray, Hasnaa Bennani, Jehanne Amzal, David Witczak, Attila Varga-Tóth, the Purcell Choir and the Orfeo Orchestra, conducted by: György Vashegyi
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Händel: Athalia Tour

with the Purcell Choir and the Capella Savaria

Handel’s oratorio composed in Oxford will be performed by the Purcell Choir and Capella Savaria 4 times in January 2023.
The tour will stop in Veszprém, Budapest, Szombathely, Pécs.
Solists are Katalin Szutrély, Ágnes Kovács, Zita Acsai, Péter Bárány, Zoltán Megyesi, and the New Zealand bass Will King.

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The Haydneum Autumn Festival has ended

The Haydneum's Autumn Festival closed with Haydn's opera L'isola disabitata and with a huge success

5 amazing concerts at Budapest’s top venues, fantastic foreign and Hungarian performers, 5 different genres – there was something for everyone. The focus was on Haydn, but we also had the opportunity to explore and immerse ourselves in works by Salieri, Cherubini, Michael Haydn, Zimmermann and Beethoven.
Thank you to our audience for joining us – there will be another Sacred Music and Autumn Festival in 2023!


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Haydneum Autumn Festival

25 October - 2 November 2022, Budapest

From 25 October to 2 November 2022, we will be holding our Autumn Festival, which will be characterised by its diversity. We offer 5 concerts, each one unique in its genre. The concept is that Joseph Haydn will be a permanent feature of each programme, with a different composer or venue appearing alongside him, and this is reflected in the subtitles.
The concerts will feature the Parisian Le Concert de la Loge with Julien Chauvin and the Orfeo Orchestra, the Purcell Choir conducted by György Vashegyi, and Musica Aeterna from Bratislava (artistic director: Peter Zajíček), Petra Somlai (fortepiano), Zoltán Megyesi (tenor), and in the closing concert 4 outstanding soloists: Ágnes Kovács, Eszter Balogh, Márton Komáromi and Szilveszter Szélpál.


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String Quartets in Eszterháza 2022

On the weekends of August, string quartet music will be performed by outstanding Hungarian quartets within the walls of the Esterházy Palace in Fertőd

The Esterházy Palace in Fertőd-Eszterháza is the only location in modern-day Hungary that is circled in red ink on the map of eighteenth-century European music history. Joseph Haydn worked there for almost half of his active life, from 1766 to 1790, and during that period he spent most of every year there in the service of Prince Nicholas Esterházy I ‘the Magnificent’.

Playing and listening to Haydn in Eszterháza is a unique experience.

The Haydneum – Hungarian Centre for Early Music considers Eszterháza a special place and is preparing a major programme to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Empress Maria Theresa’s visit to Eszterháza in 2023.
This summer, the string quartet concert series, organised in cooperation with the Philharmonia Hungary and the Eszterháza Public Benefit Non-profit Ltd., will also welcome the mentors and scholarship holders of the Sándor Végh String Quartet Programme, which has been announced by the Philharmonia Hungary every year since 2021 to cultivate and develop the Hungarian string quartet tradition.


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Esterházy kastély

Haydneum at the Veszprém Early Music Days

The Veszprém Early Music Days, which have been held since 2013, will offer 10 special programmes in cooperation with the Haydneum from 18 to 26 July. The festival will feature chamber music ensembles and small vocal ensembles, this time Ignacio Prego (harpsichord), Concerto Scirocco, Recercare Early Music Ensemble, Orlando Vocal Ensemble, Anima Consort, Budapest Bach Consort, Dador Project, Sebastian Consort and Vivaldi Ensemble.
Tickets, further information:

Early Music Days in Vác from 2 to 9 July 2022, supported by the Haydneum

During the first week of July, the Filharmonia Hungary will evoke everyday and festive moments of the Baroque era for the 38th time with magical concerts and a real festival atmosphere. With the greatest professors of the profession, unparalleled courses and fantastic concerts, it awaits students and audiences who love the music of the Baroque. This year the festival will focus on French Baroque music. There will be singing, harpsichord, viola da gamba, Baroque dance and expression, articulation and performance, vocal ensemble, violin, flute, flute and bassoon, cello, as well as chamber music and orchestra masterclasses led by some of the most distinguished national and international professors.

In the opening concert, the Haydneum’s resident ensembles, the Purcell Choir and the Orfeo Orchestra, conducted by György Vashegyi, will perform works by the French composer Lalande, while the closing concert will feature a selection of works by Charpentier and Desmarets by the Ensemble les Surpsises orchestra and choir, on both concerts with an international soloist ensemble.

For more information:


In cooperation with the Haydneum, the Authentic Quartet will give a concert on the Night of Museums programme of the National Széchényi Library on 25 June from 17:40 in the 6th floor of the Museum.
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The first Haydneum Festival of Sacred Music has come to an end with a great success

In 10 days, 7 concerts in Budapest and 4 in the countryside, a recording, 10 ensembles, 19 soloists, 5 conductors, and so many unforgettable experiences! Thank you for joining us - we will continue next year!
A photo report of the festival moments.

Photo: Pilvax Films

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Press conference - Haydneum Festival of Sacred Music - 3-12 June 2022
The Haydneum will hold its first Festival of Sacred Music in Budapest from 3 to 12 June 2022, at the University Church and Inner-City St. Michael’s Church.

The Haydneum – Hungarian Centre for Early Music was founded in 2021 as a new institution to promote the values of Early Music in Hungary and to promote the Hungarian Baroque, Viennese Classical and early Romantic repertoire (1630-1830). To this end, it provides opportunities for Hungarian and international performers, both old and modern, to promote the Haydneum repertoire at its own festivals. The Festival of Sacred Music features mainly Hungarian performers, including the institution’s resident ensembles (the Purcell Choir and the Orfeo Orchestra under the artistic direction of György Vashegyi), Capella Savaria conducted by the world-famous Nicholas McGegan, the Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra, Capella Du Mont (artistic director: László Gesztesi-Tóth) with the Savaria Baroque Orchestra conducted by Pál Németh, the Erdődy Chamber Orchestra and the Hungarian Choir of the Kodály Zoltán Hungarian Choir School conducted by Márton Rácz, the Aura Musicale, and the Children’s Choir of the Versailles Baroque Music Centre (Les Pages du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles) conducted by Fabien Armengaud. These excellent ensembles will be joined by a promising line-up of soloists, including Adriána Kalafszky, Viola Thurnay, Zoltán Megyesi, Ákos Borka, Eugénie Lefèbvre, Gwendoline Blondeel, Paulin Bündgen, Mária Lőkösházi and Ágnes Kovács.

The concerts, which start at 8pm, will include works by Michael and Joseph Haydn, Pergolesi, Werner and Albrechtsberger, as well as special programmes, The Savaria Baroque Orchestra will perform a selection from the collection of sacred music of the Bodajki Help of Our Lady of Bodaj, Balázs Máté and Aura Musicale will play Strattner-Capricornus-Esterházy, and the Erdődy Chamber Orchestra will perform Druschetzky-Lickl-Hummel.

The first four concerts of the festival will be performed in Szeged, Pécs, Veszprém and Békéscsaba, in the framework of the Con Spirito Church Music Festival of Filharmonia Hungary, our partner.


(Photo: Miklós Teknős)

Haydneum Festival of Sacred Music 3-12 June 2022, Budapest

Haydneum organises its first Festival of Sacred Music in Budapest, in the University Church and in the Inner-City Church of Saint Michael between 3 and 12 June .

The Festival of Sacred Music will primarily feature Early Music performers from Hungary, such as Haydneum’s resident ensembles, the Purcell Choir and the Orfeo Orchestra under György Vashegyi’s artistic leadership, Capella Savaria conducted by the worldwide celebrated Nicholas McGegan, the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, Capella Du Mont, Savaria Baroque Orchestra under the baton of Pál Németh, the Erdődy Chamber Orchestra, the Mixed Choir of the Zoltán Kodály Hungarian Choir School with Márton Rácz as conductor, the Aura Musicale, as well as Les Pages du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles (children’s choir) under the leadership of Fabien Armengaud. The concerts held without an intermission and starting at 8 o’clock will feature works by Michael and Joseph Haydn, Pergolesi, Hummel, Strattner, Esterházy, Caldara, Rathgeber, Brixi, Bengráf, Chrio, Werner and Albrechtsberger. Some of the concerts will be preceded by music historical discussions, thanks to which the audience can listen to familiar and yet unknown compositions enriched with new information.

(Photo: István Oravecz)

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Leclair: Scylla et Glaucus

Another collaboration between the Haydneum and the Liszt Academy of Music, the Orfeo Music Foundation and the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles, this time for a joint production of Jean-Marie Leclair's opera "Scylla et Glaucus", to be performed and recorded at the Liszt Academy between 24 and 26 March 2022.
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Cherubini: Les Abencérages

In cooperation between French and Hungarian institutions and with the support of the Haydneum, a performance and recording of Cherubini's Les Abencérages will take place in March 2022 at Müpa Budapest.

Casimir Eloy en troubadour (Les Abencérages de Cherubini)

© Paris Musées / Musée Carnavalet, source:

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Cooperation between the National Széchényi Library and the Haydneum

The National Széchényi Library's Digitisation Centre has been inaugurated, marking the beginning of a major collaboration between the National Széchényi Library and the Haydneum.

The National Széchényi Library has today inaugurated the largest and most modern digitisation facility of any public collection in Central Europe, capable of digitising 10 million pages per year and all types of documents in the library.

The aim of the collaboration between the OSZK and the Haydneum – Hungarian Centre for Early Music is to use the new digitisation centre to process, with the participation of Haydneum staff, musical and musicological remains of great cultural value from 1600 to 1850 in Hungary.

The Esterházy Collection, one of the most valuable holdings of the OSZK’s theatre and music library, contains manuscript scores of composers from the 18th to 19th centuries, including Haydn, Werner, Albrechtsberger and others. In the course of the cooperation, we plan to make the Early music scores and documents preserved in the OSZK available in digital form, and in line with our basic mission, these newly discovered works will soon be available in concert halls and on recordings, so that they can be presented to the general public.


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Hungarian Centre for Early Music

The aim of the Haydneum is to champion the merits of early music in Hungary and popularise the Hungarian-linked repertoire from the Baroque, Viennese Classical and early romantic periods (1630-1830).
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Eszterháza and Haydn

The Esterházy Palace in Fertőd-Eszterháza is the only location in modern-day Hungary that is circled in red ink on the map of eighteenth-century European music history. Joseph Haydn worked there for almost half of his active life, from 1766 to 1790, and during that period he spent most of every year there in the service of Prince Nicholas Esterházy I ‘the Magnificent’.
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Haydneum - Esterhazy kastély

Haydneum repertoire

The repertoire of Haydneum combines two different aspects of the Hungary-related Baroque, Classical and early Romantic musical heritage. First, it covers works composed in Hungary (partly by Hungarian composers) at the time and a wealth of 17th, 18th and 19th-century compositions written in other countries but preserved in Hungarian libraries and archives.
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Istvánffy: Conforto Aria Offertorium