hungarian center
for early music

3rd Haydneum Festival of Sacred Music – Bodajk

14 June, 2024 - 7:00 PM

Bodajki Segítő Szűz Mária-kegytemplom

G. J. WERNER (1693-1766):
Die betrübte Tochter Zion, 1732 – Introductio

B. A. AUFSCHNAITER (1665-1742):
Motetto de Tempore

F. SCHMIDT (1694-1756):
c-moll requiem

F. B. CONTI (1681-1732):
Sinfonia (David, 1724)
Missa con Trombe (Berlin version)

To our knowledge, with the exception of the Conti Overture, all of these works are being performed around the world for the first time since the 18th century.

Pintér Ágnes – soprano
Balogh Eszter – contralto
Komáromi Márton – tenor
Cserményi Zsombor – bass
Purcell Choir, Orfeo Orchestra
Conducted by: György Vashegyi

Bodajki Segítő Szűz Mária-kegytemplom
(8053 Bodajk, Szent István tér 1.)

Entrance is free.

Program helyszíne
